
Friday, June 18, 2010

Biggie the hampster

Gavin had a hampster named Hammy and well after much saddness trying to save him from dying he died and the whole family was sad. Gavin trained him to sit on his shoulder and he would walk around with him and he would never fall off or move he was the cutest thing and the cat and he had an amazing relationship. Our cat slick and hammy loved each other. normally a cat would try to eat a hampster but slick was deathly scared of him and after getting used to him they played and the few times hammy got out slick never ate him they just played like friends. Today we decided to get another hampster and so we went to the pet store. It is really funny how animals just love Gavin and all of the ones he has had they all have picked him out. We pulled our the hampsters that were short haired ones and he played with them for a minute and none of them really stood out. We then looked at the german and black bear hampsters and the only one that was left of the german hampsters crawled right into Gavin's hands. It was like that one was saying please take me home and he imediatly liked that one. It was the sweetest one and so he picked him. I don't know much about german hampsters but when we got it home I held it and oh my gosh! I'm not sure if its his balls or what it would be but they are huge. Me and the kids laughed about it for a while and Gavin said "I need to research that" I think he was a little disterbed. lol! Gavin decided to name him biggie. No, not because of his big balls or what ever it is but it is a little ironic. I now chuckle everytime I call him that name. So now we have a hampster again and I hope our luck is better with this one. For now everyone in the Bingham household is very happy campers.

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