
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fishing at Roper Lake

Both of Bailey fish that he caught. He was the only one to catch fish that day only because it takes you leaving your pole out long enough to catch anything! Ayden and Gavin were more interested in casting it into the lake and then reeling it back in as fast as you can to throw it back out again. This was a new experience for me to take all four kids fishing with no guy around. I have never had to take a hook out of a fishes mouth before. Ewwwwwwww it was horable! Those things are slippery little suckers! Bailey held the fish as i tried to get the hook out and every time it moved i screamed. Bailey kept saying "oh come on mom seriously". I know its only a fish but it is still slimy and it could eat me, or at least bit me! After we got the hook out of the first fishes mouth Bailey accidentally dropped it and it almost landed on me, so of course i screamed and kadie was on the ground behind Bailey clueless as to what was going on it flopped over next to her foot and the look on her face trying to get out of the way well lets just say it was priceless! She didn't know why i was screaming and then all of a sudden something she had never seen before was coming at her i thought I was going to pee my pants. Like mother like daughter i guess. Hopefully i will get better at this or even better I think I will take Jeremy with me to help or take someone else with me.

1 comment:


Hilarious! I probably would have acted the same way! I am glad he had fun though.