
Friday, July 9, 2010

Kadies first broken nose

So Kadie seems to be the one child that always gets hurt in our family. I think it's because she is the only girl and has to fight for what she wants. Trying to get away with what ever she took from one of her brothers she doesn't pay attention to where shes going and she thinks shes invinceable at this age. Well she was at grandmas while I was out to dinner with a friend. She loves to swing on her belly and before Mary knew it Kadie had slid off the swing face first and her hands didn't catch her it was her nose. She landed nose first and then to top it all of the swing came back and hit her in the head :(. Mary put her in the bath to clean her up and noticed that it wasn't getting better so she called me right away. When I got there she was still screaming histerically and her little nose was huge! Black and blue and red where all of the skin was taken off. I felt so bad it had to hurt like crazy. I had Kailee our family nurse come look at it for me and put ice on it to help the swelling. Today it looks not as bad as I thought it would I took some pictures of it. The pictures arn't great it is a little hard to see but you can see the swelling. I hope that it heals ok because no girl should have a bump on her nose.

1 comment:

lofgreenlegacy said...

Poor baby! It's so sad but she looks so cute!